Nut Based Parmesan - 5 Variations


Nut Based Parmesan

  • What's in it?

Vegan Lemon Parmesan Cheese - blanched almond flour, dried oregano, salt, lemon juice

Cashew Parm - cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, salt (Minimalist Baker recipe - note: I use half cashews and half almonds for this recipe)

Walnut Parm - walnuts, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, salt (Clean Food Dirty Girl recipe)

Vegan Parm (from Cauliflower Parmesan recipe) - sesame seeds, cashews, nutritional yeast, salt, ground caraway seeds, ground fennel seeds (One Green Planet recipe)

  • Want the recipes?

Vegan Lemon Parmesan Cheese, The Vegan 8

Lemon Almond Parmesan, One Green Planet

How to make Vegan Parmesan Cheese, Minimalist Baker

Clean Food, Dirty Girl, Walnut Parm

Vegan Parmesan (from Cauliflower Parmesan), One Green Planet

  • Why do I like it?

    One of the hardest things to give up when going plant based is cheese, especially good parmesan! These different versions of nut based parm do the trick to add a bit of flavor that can be sprinkled on top of pasta, salads and anything else you desire!

    Each of these recipes has a slightly different flavor so I suggest trying the ones that have the ingredients that you like the most. I recently found the lemon parm recipe and have added it to my rotation as I really like the flavor the lemon adds to most dishes.